We live in a world of plenty, and yet 2 million people go hungry each year. About 1.2 billion people live on less than Rs. 100 per day. More than 6 million people die each year from lack of water. Over 40,000 children under the age of five die each day due to hunger and other preventable causes. You can help bring an end to poverty and social injustice in the modern world by joining hands with Nai Raah Foundation. For the past 4 years, Nai Raah Foundation. has improved the lives of more than 15,000 vulnerable children in India.
Nai Raah Foundation. is an international nonprofit for children, headquartered in New Delhi. The majority of work is conducted in India. Our approach is rooted in years of on-the-ground experience, driven by a careful methodology and powered by a deep passion to improve the lives of children and give them a chance to grow up in a family.
Family is the heart of society. Within a family each child is protected and enjoys a sense of belonging. Here, children learn values, share responsibilities and form life-long relationships. A family environment gives them a solid foundation on which to build their lives.Through love and acceptance, emotional wounds are healed and confidence is built. Children learn to trust and believe in themselves and others. With this self-assurance each child can recognise and fulfil his or her potential.
We work for children who are orphaned, abandoned or whose families are unable to care for them. We give these children the opportunity to build lasting relationships within a family.We enable children to live according to their own culture and religion, and to be active members of the community. We help children to recognise and express their individual abilities, interests and talents. We ensure that children receive the education and skills training they need to be successful.
Nai Raah Foundation is to deploy best possible methodology and technology for achieving ideal SROI (social return on investment), to practice and promote good governance. To link business competitiveness of the corporate with social development initiatives; also to sensitize privileged children, youth and citizens in general to promote Civic Driven Change.
Work as a catalyst in bringing sustainable change in the lives of underprivileged children, youth,old age people and women, with a life-cycle approach of development.
Enable the civil society across the world to engage proactively in the change process through the philosophy of civic driven change.
Adopt highest standards of governance to emerge as a leading knowledge and technology driven, innovative and scalable international development organisation.
We protects women in any way possible.We have given jobs to many widow woman.
We Helps All Poor and handicapped women and children get all the medical help they need.
We also organize tree plantation day as well as other events to help the environment.
All the donation you provide subject to tax deducatble.